Fallout New Vegas

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About this video

The following is a showcase for a short segment within the begining of one of my upcoming quest mods, Come Wander with Me. The mod is about helping reunite new orphaned children with their estranged Aunt and Uncle who live in a very far away land unknown to most in the Mojave. Travel to new worldspaces, get loads of new weapons, make choices that dramatically change the story, and meet and build relationships with new characters.The following segment is from the begining of the mod and is one of the first locations that the player will travel to. In the players attempts to escape the Mojave with the two orphans, Alex and Charlotte, young Charlotte is kidnapped by a mysterious group of raiders. After interrogating one of the raiders for information, the player hears tales of a base they have in a place called Bog Town. Hearing tales of a merchant that's been to that location, the player travels to the Mojave Outpost hoping to learn of the city's whereabouts.

There is no release date for the mod at this time, but I hope to release it soon. Keep in mind that this location is still WIP, so there may be a bug or oddity that may appear. Also, some dialogue may not appear in the following playthrough, as my character does not have certain perks. For example, in the begining section, the player does have the ability to omit the weight limit capacity if they have high strength or the strong back perk. (Similar to Honest Hearts).

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  1. Hadanelith
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This is quite impressive, both technically and design wise! I would have sworn blind that this density of city was just not possible in the New Vegas engine. That bit early on when you climbed a tower and could see (and shoot!) across the ruins...wow. The urban environment must be quite a bit of work, and I'm very impressed by the effort you've clearly put in.
    The voice acting is pretty good! The VA's are doing a solid job, and the writing is pretty darn good. You've managed to make the psychotic raiders sound pretty darn psychotic - and I appreciate the reveal moments you've set up with the level design to make sure we can hear their lines before we run into them.
    Visually, things are pretty good, though the monotonous red sky outside is...a lot. I was a little frustrated by the pitch black sewer section. I know I'd use cateye or some kind of night vision mod, but I expect you'll get some complaints about it.
    Sound wise...are the death noises a part of this mod, or just something else you've got going on? The weird hissing and screeching and all was less than pleasant.
    Altogether, I'm both impressed and intrigued by this. I want to know what the overall deal is with these raiders and the Factory; who is this Father character, and what sort of post-apocalyptic madness the Courier has found themselves in this time. Well done! This is now the New Vegas mod I'm most excited about!
    1. CellblockPsycho
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      Hey, glad you liked it! I think you have some fair criticisms, and I appreciate that. Hopefully this should be available to play sometime this year, but then again I said that last year. Lol.
      Soundwise, the death noises are part of the mod, but I do believe another mod in conjunction makes the death noises last far longer.
  2. whithebunny
    • member
    • 19 kudos
    I like the way it looks, my friend.
    I have a question when do you plan to launch it and after launching it would you allow me to translate it to spanish? :D
    1. CellblockPsycho
      • premium
      • 194 kudos
      I plan to launch it when it's ready, and as of now, there is no date for that.
      You're welcome to translate it into spanish when it comes out though!