Cyberpunk 2077

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  1. Enroys
    • supporter
    • 308 kudos
    Wow. Nice, she got that messy bihh hair.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Quite a change from her usual tidy one. It was fun to play around with for a while, but now it's back to the original.

      Oh wait, I have one more set to upload with this hair...
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    I like that "I didn't feel like brushing my hair this morning" hair style.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      There's no time for that. There are places to be and gigs to do.
      Besides, it goes well with her punk outfit here
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,106 kudos
    Ultra and love the bed hair .)
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      I love it too! Many thanks
  4. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    I am having a frustrating day, or maybe a bleak day... so she is a very welcome sight! Of course, she always IS a welcome sight!

    Favs are the closeup that shows her incredible eyes, and the last one closely follows. Haha, if I could identify the source of my frustrations today, I would ask her for some help to deal with whatever idiot is responsible. But since it is entirely possible that I am the idiot...  well, I guess she could put me out of my misery!   Or she certainly could make me not care about my RL issues for a while, that's for sure! And for at least a few minutes, she just did.

    Back in my Skyrim game, where I have that loadscreen with Yvonne with her guitar... that loadscreen came up twice last night - maybe twice in a row. The loadscreens are random, so that is very unusual! Maybe she was trying to help me feel better, which worked... since the thing I am dealing with did not start today.

    I think I will give up on that for today... and tomorrow I can do this again!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Thanks so much, my friend! <3

      Sorry to hear you had a frustrating day. She's a netrunner and would definitely be down to help you track whoever's responsible! Then she'd switch off the internet on all their devices for a week as punishment. Let's see how they like that in our social age lol. I recon the load screens of her chilling with a guitar were sign too! Speaking of which -- it's been a long, long time since I had a picture of her with a guitar. Might consider doing that again ^^
      As always, I'm glad you enjoy the sets just as I enjoy your kind words!
  5. C4n4di4ns
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Wow 🤩 nicely done Vermi. Your photos are always awesome!!! Keep up the great work!!!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      A million thanks, choom! <3
  6. Joporai124
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    This is my favourite V and I love her
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Very glad you do! Thanks
  7. Cormack48band
    • member
    • 58 kudos

    What hair it is? btw?
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Thank you, Cormack! It's from "Songbirds Messy Hairstyles".
  8. Astra2000
    • premium
    • 152 kudos
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Thanks Frank! 😊
  9. potentpotatoes
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    So good!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Much appreciated, choom! <3
  10. PatrickTheDM
    • supporter
    • 174 kudos
    I like the bleakness.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Rare from me these days, but I'm glad you do!