Cyberpunk 2077
Sweet Solitude

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This user's image description contains 9 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. MaverickRoxx
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    I am in love with the first pic <3 <3 <3
    Also I'm late again cus had an accident. Breath-taking shots fr. Keep it up. I don't mind the increase in number of pics or frequency of sets :P
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      An accident?
      I hope you're alright, man! And I'm glad you enjoyed this, somewhat different, set. Thank you so much <3
  2. Galschar
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Love the screenshots. Very natural and yet so perfect
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Hello! Thank you very much
  3. chickmetalhead
    • supporter
    • 140 kudos
    I love the left side of the main, especially in the first image in the description area where we get the full size image! Well, unless...

    ... the right side of the main was a private message to me? I love you too, Yvonne!

    Now seriously, the image after that was the one that I found very interesting - and I almost missed it. The white Mak got my attention first, and as I scrolled on I paused, scrolled back, and checked out the extremely precious cargo in the back! I must have noticed something or I would not have scrolled back, but it made me laugh because my subconcious obviously DID notice. Good subconcious - keep up the good work!
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Haha I like that portrait on the left too. For some reason, it came out a little different. And I love that Makigai so much! She's got supercars that lap the city in a minute, but that Makigai Tanishi in beige and burgundy is just 100% her :D

      It was a lot of fun to mess about with and use it as a prop for those pictures. Glad you enjoyed the set, my friend! <3
    2. chickmetalhead
      • supporter
      • 140 kudos
      On that left image, I think it is the combination of her beautiful smile, but slightly altered with her awesome smirk she sometimes uses? Even her hand gestures kind of participate in that too, if that makes sense.
  4. DefinitelyNotNoah
    • premium
    • 78 kudos
    The tree shot is nice
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      That tree was straight-up begging to be photographed.
  5. PatrickTheDM
    • supporter
    • 174 kudos
    Nice mix in the set.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      "Variety is the spice of life" or so they say. Thank you, Patrick
  6. Obfuscate7
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    Stunning captures.

    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Thank you
  7. cormell
    • premium
    • 335 kudos
    Good shots. I liked the windmill pix most.
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      I always love the look of those windmills. Thank you
  8. Enroys
    • supporter
    • 308 kudos
    Oh, what's this? A new second girl in the background?
    1. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      They're multiplying!

      Nah, that's just Claire over there -- your friendly death racer and mercenary bartender.
  9. VoDovahKiin
    • premium
    • 129 kudos
    That shot of her laying in the back on her phone is awesome, overall wonderful set man 😁
    1. blu377
      • supporter
      • 184 kudos
      What Moe said
    2. Vermi77
      • supporter
      • 683 kudos
      Thanks very much you two